It Builds Character

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

There's a new blog in town

I have received a special request from a very special person in my life. A girl who, just four short weeks ago, was preparing to have surgery to drain a cyst in her brain. My daughter, Catherine, has started a blog of her own, and wants me to make an announcement to you all so that she'll get a little traffic over there.

You'll find her here. Just a couple of notes about the site...the name. No idea on this one. I asked her about it, and she said that there was a bag of Fritos on the desk when she was setting up her blog. Secondly, her name. She calls herself "Kathryn" on her blog. I think she figured that as long as she was spelling it differently, she isn't really using her "real name."

So if you want to make a 9-year-old girl really happy, stop by and say "hi" to her. She has posted quite a few pictures that she's taken with an old digital camera we had laying around. I just love the narrative that goes along with the pictures. Each picture she has posted is a completely new post, so I think she already has a couple of pages, so be sure to check them all out. I hope you'll get some enjoyment out of seeing the world through her eyes.


  • Well, CRAP! What I mean is, I just left a comment on your lovely daughter's blog, then realized that if she clicks on my name, she'll be transported to a place where no child should EVER go -- my blog! With all the recent weed-smoking and EmEffing, etc.!
    Handle it, Mom!
    (Delete me if you must.)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 15, 2008 11:25 PM  

  • I worried about that too. But I think my Blogger profile is basically just a shell, so she can't actually get to my Wordpress blog from there.

    If I'm wrong, please delete my comments too! I use profanity on occasion, as I'm sure you know.

    By Blogger The Q, at July 16, 2008 3:18 PM  

  • Ha ha, oh boy, look at the bag of Fritos you have opened up. I think my blog is probably not for 9 year olds either.

    By Blogger Undercover Mutha, at July 26, 2008 12:41 AM  

  • I happily commented, because I'm pretty sure it is a safe place for 9-year-olds. Although I did get a PG-rating because of the word "crack" in, cartoons that crack me up! But no promises for any blogs that she might jump to from there. I link to Susie, for example!! ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 01, 2008 5:40 AM  

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