It Builds Character

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Out of the mouths of babes

Tonight, Jason and I were sitting in the living room while the kids picked up tremendous amounts of their junk off the coffee table and floor. They would take a few items to their bedroom or the garbage, and then come back for more. Lauren and Alex had both taken some things downstairs, but only Lauren returned. Jason asked Lauren, "Where's Alex?" In the most nonchalant voice ever, she responded, "He's dead."

Wha? Where did that come from? Clearly, it was not true. Where do they get things like that? She gave me a sly little smile, knowing that she had just made a "joke." Not a hilarious one, mind you, but she was pretty proud of herself . Truth be told, Jason and I did get a little chuckle out of it as well.


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