It Builds Character

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Do you know what this means?

This means that it's really freakin' windy out today. If you're familiar with Perkins restaurants, you know that this is a gigantic flag, and it isn't set into motion easily by a slight breeze. This thing was whippin' in the wind today.

And being that it's January in Minnesota, that wind made it unbearable to be outside, even just for a minute. Check this out:

Yep, -11 degrees with a -36 windchill, or if you're a moron, -36 "windshield." But if you ask Lauren, she'll tell you that it's 16 inches below zero. (I don't know where she came up with that, but that's what she told me on the way home from daycare tonight.) And as if today's temperature is not bad enough, look at the weather we had yesterday:

Since I don't know anything about putting any type of graphics on a photo, I'll have to point out the area that says that yesterday's high was 43 degrees. Forty-three degrees in January in Minnesota is like summer weather! People were outside with no coats on, it felt downright tropical!

So, though it's not my strong suit, lets do the math here. Yesterday, 43 degrees. Today, -11 actual temperature. That's a 54 degree difference! (Right? I told you I was bad at math!) If you want to factor in the windchill, we're talking a difference of 79 degrees!!! I dare you to tell me that's not ridiculous. Now, granted, the 43 was yesterday's high, and the -11 was from about 8pm tonight, but let me assure you, it wasn't much warmer this afternoon when the sun was out. I'm pretty sure it's some kind of cruel joke, but I ain't laughin'.

Don't tell Jason, but a move to Tennessee sounds pret-ty darn good right about now.

On a more serious note, my 26 year old cousin, Becky, was just told that some of the suspicious cells that her doctor found were, indeed, cancer. She'll know more about treatments, etc. next week. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


  • I just came from Lori's site, and she had a picture of ice forming on the INSIDE of her front door! I SO do not miss that weather.

    Cancer sucks.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 29, 2008 10:23 PM  

  • Yep, we had ice on the inside of our front door in 2 places. And the deck keeps making noises like someone is beating it with a hammer. That's cold.

    By Blogger Character Builder, at January 29, 2008 10:29 PM  

  • That is just INSANE!!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. I think Sharkey said it best "Cancer Sucks"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 29, 2008 11:22 PM  

  • Hell to the no freakin' way would I go back to living in that.

    Thank you for reminding me that even though I wish it would snow in my back yard...I really don't miss winter.

    Last night on my way home from work it was 63 degrees! Need more reasons why you should move here? Hmmm, our property taxes are $700 on an acre of land with a 3 bedroom house. We don't have any income tax. The mountains are way prettier than that perkins flag. I grow pansies in my garden in the winter. You'd be closer to Sharkey. You could throw out all your snow boots, when it snows here we just stay home until it melts at noon.

    Just sayin'

    By Blogger mama biscuit, at January 30, 2008 6:55 AM  

  • Found you through Nucking Futs.

    Sorry to hear about the cold. It seems that Tysgirl gave you plenty of reasons to move down to beautiful TN. So...when you comin'?

    I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. She will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated.

    By Blogger Unknown, at January 30, 2008 8:25 AM  

  • Ooops Its another one of those braggin' Tennessee peeps here! Tysgirl lives in the wrong county. My taxes are only $700 for 5 acres and a 3 bedroom. My place was just as warm as hers yesterday! Just sayin'

    Yep, cancer sucks!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 30, 2008 10:27 AM  

  • I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll keep her in my prayers.

    Now I remember why my parents moved away from those northern states. My dad calls that kind of weather "colder than a witch's tit." Nice, eh?

    By Blogger Undercover Mutha, at January 30, 2008 12:00 PM  

  • Yeah, but what Peachy didn't tell you is she lives too close to tourist capital of Hell- otherwise known as Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg. I live on the peaceful side of the Smokies!

    And I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. I would think that your family has had just about enough cancer to last 6 lifetimes.

    By Blogger mama biscuit, at January 30, 2008 1:24 PM  

  • Hey, they don't bother me! I'm just as close as you to the "peaceful" side. Just gotta know which way to drive.

    Hey....I'm still waiting for the cold beer. Where you hidin' it?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 30, 2008 2:31 PM  

  • As you can probably tell, Tysgirl sent us all over here and I'm glad she did. I'm from Vermont and I don't ever want to set foot on snow again!
    Tenn is nice from what I hear, one of these days we are gonna go and hang out at the Tysgirl abode...

    Oh and I agree cancer sucks & blows! Sounds like she got to it early, you all are on my prayer list. Oh and I am sending good karma your way too.

    By Blogger Big Mama, at January 30, 2008 8:51 PM  

  • Q - You ain't just a kiddin! About the weather AND the cancer.

    Tysgirl - You need to stop with your reasons now, because I seriously contemplated looking online at houses in TN tonight. Just out of curiosity.

    Kari - Thanks for coming by! So you live in TN too, huh? I tell you, it IS tempting. And I'd love to be close to Nashville, due to the love of country music that Tysgirl mentioned. And Becky and I thank you for the prayers.

    Peachy - Oh, come on now, ganging up on me just isn't fair! I have only been to TN once (Nashville, of course) and it was beautiful weather in February. A far cry from what we've got here. Although it got up to -7 at one point this afternoon when I checked. :)

    UCM - Thanks for the prayers.

    Jason likes to refer to it as "BAC" which means "Bitch Ass Cold!"

    Tysgirl - Pigeon Forge...isn't that where Dollywood is (was?)? The mountains would be wonderful, though at this point, beggars can't be choosers. I just want it WARM!

    Peachy - To each their own, right? No arguing, girls. I will turn this car around!

    Big Mama - Thanks for coming by--I'm so glad Tysgirl sent you all over too! This is fun! New blog buddies AND new Flickr contacts in you and Peachy! And thanks for the prayers, they are much appreciated.

    By Blogger Character Builder, at January 30, 2008 10:01 PM  

  • Peachy, I forgot to tell you that the beer's in the fridge--help yourself. I'm not much of a hostess, so you'll have to make yourself at home if you want something. There's also some wine and maybe a Mike's Hard Lemonade. Knock yourself out!

    By Blogger Character Builder, at January 30, 2008 10:11 PM  

  • Don't ya just love it when the "family" comes over to your house to fight!

    Thanks for the beer. Although it is a little cool here today (30F when I left for work) so I think I may have to hunt down the tequila today.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 31, 2008 7:38 AM  

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