It Builds Character

Friday, November 02, 2007

Life Lessons

I haven't posted anything for a long time, but something happened tonight that I'll probably forget about if I don't write about. I always think I won't forget, but then, of course, I do. This way, I'll be able to look back and laugh on it. I sure laughed earlier tonight when it happened.

This evening while Catherine was getting ready to get into the shower, I went into my room and turned on the TV for a few minutes before I had to go in and help her. The TV was on NBC when I turned it on,
so for a little bit I watched the show that was on so I could figure out what it was. Turns out it was "Friday Night Lights," which I have never watched, but have heard good things about.

From the previews I sometimes see during the week, I know that the coach's wife recently had a baby. She came home and was talking to her husband about the book club she had just attended, and how nice it was to finally get out again by herself and be around other adults.

At this point, Catherine came into the bedroom and the TV caught her attention. The wife on TV started talking about how her breasts were really sore and felt "like concrete." She said she needed to go pump and dump. Catherine asked why she was sore there. I explained that after a woman has a baby, her body goes through all sorts of changes and weird things. I said that since the woman feeds the baby with her breasts, sometimes they get so filled with milk that they get sore.

Catherine: "You mean the baby eats off their breasts?"

Me: "Well...yeah," thinking that it was weird that she didn't know this, since she saw me breastfeed Lauren a million times.

Catherine: "Oh. I thought they just ate whatever was on the mom's stomach."

Me: "You mean like whatever crumbs happened to fall on her stomach from whatever she ate earlier in the day?"

Catherine: "Yeah," now laughing, realizing how silly that sounded.

I about lost it. I laughed so hard. Sometimes she can take something like that really personally and feel hurt when someone laughs at her like that, but for some reason, she just laughed too. I guess she was only 4 when Lauren was born, so if at any point she did realize where Lauren was eating from, she has probably forgotten. This will be good for a laugh for a long time!

P.S. Catherine got her hair cut tonight, and looks so cute! The lady gave her some layers since her hair is so thick. Check it out...


  • Ok, that IS hilarious! Man a baby could eat for DAYS if they were to eat the crumbs that the Hubs always seems to have down the front of his shirt. DAYS, maybe even weeks ;-)

    Catherine is so pretty! She has amazing cheek bones.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at November 03, 2007 12:27 PM  

  • That's pretty much how I'd have to feed a baby! That's too funny.

    She's getting so big! I think she looks like Alex in that last shot.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at November 03, 2007 2:23 PM  

  • LOL!

    I think it's great that you speak to her so openly. You'd be surprised how many people don't!

    Her hair is adorable!

    By Blogger mama biscuit, at November 03, 2007 2:24 PM  

  • Suzie - Wow, you totally just "outed" the Hubs!

    Catherine was sitting right next to me when I was reading your comment, so I told her what you said. I think you made her day! Thanks!

    Sharkey - I can just see you dumping food all over your stomach!

    She's definitely getting big. Wait till you see them in person in a couple of weeks!

    Tysgirl - You know, sometimes it's a little awkward, but what's the point of making things up or tippy-toeing around things. The better informed she is now, the better off she'll be later. It's not like I volunteer info, I just answer the questions she has.

    By Blogger Character Builder, at November 04, 2007 9:07 AM  

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